Chris Pearson
5500 Kenbridge Drive
Highland Heights, OH 44143
I hereby agree to hold Northern Ohio Tripoli, its officers and members harmless to any results created by my actions participating in Prefecture activities. I also agree to abide by all Safety Codes, both National and Local, and to abide with all National requirements that maintain NOTRA as a Prefecture. I also agree to assist to the best of my abilities with local launches and group activities and commit to membership with all serious concern.
By return mail you’ll get a NOTRA membership card. You will receive via e-mail notification of upcoming events, meetings, both local and state-wide launches and news.
TRIPOLI ROCKETRY ASSOCIATION, INC. is the National Organization of Advanced Non-Professional Rocketry. While NOTRA is free to govern our local club as we see fit, we are pledged, as a Prefecture and by membership, to uphold the goals, direction, codes and ideals of the National Organization. If you would like to join the national organization, visit their website. |